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The origin of synarché and why it is an infinity greater than all infinities

The word infinite is from the Latin roots for "un-limited" or another way to say it: "without-end." Structurally, this word is similar to Greek a-perion, Hebrew ein-sof, Chinese tai-ji, and many others, all referring to the same underlying concept: that which is so great it is  […]

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Mathematical infinity at the beginning instead of at the ends

The following is a "thinking-out-loud" kind of thought experiment which sort of went off the rails... and then got righted again. The simplicity of emptiness We accept the simplicity of emptiness as a reliable foundation upon which to establish all of mathematics without question. The  […]

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Initial Meditation on the Point of Humility Required to Envision D. G. Leahy's Cube Like No Other

At the time this is written, the mathematics and logic of D. G. Leahy are less well known than his philosophical and theological work. Yet it may be the mathematics for which he is remembered longest. For Leahy has discovered a mathematical structure of primordial dimension, a layer of math beneath  […]

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On the delightful coherence and simultaneous incoherence of epiphanies

Woke up early this morning and in the world between worlds where some of the best insights come into view, I discovered one of the greater epiphanies of my decades-long study of ternary logic, infinity, zero, and world peace. I was striding through the fields of pure light and clarity -- the miracle  […]

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