Phlosiphy and Langwidge

On the delightful coherence and simultaneous incoherence of epiphanies

Woke up early this morning and in the world between worlds where some of the best insights come into view, I discovered one of the greater epiphanies of my decades-long study of ternary logic, infinity, zero, and world peace. I was striding through the fields of pure light and clarity -- the miracle  […]

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"Causality is in the mind"

I started transcribing a video because Dr. David Hawkins was talking about quantum mechanics in a way very similar to what I've been researching -- and he's spot on -- but then he took it in a completely different direction than I expected. This transcript is from the end of the first video linked  […]

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Language alters our experience of time

Not only does this article talk about one of my favorite subjects, the Aymara language, and how it is different from other languages, but it's loaded with gems like this: But Spanish-Swedish bilinguals are flexible. When prompted with the Swedish word for duration (tid), they estimated time using  […]

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Hebrew vs. Greek Thought

So we've been looking at binary vs ternary, intuitive vs logical, now here's Hebrew vs Greek thought: Hebrew and Greek are two totally different ways of seeing things. Greek is more abstract, linear. Hebrew is more intimate, concrete. Several distinct  […]

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How small is zero price - zero.pdf

So basically giving stuff away for free inclines people to advertising for you via word of mouth "Related to these findings on motivation and incomplete contracts, it has also been shown that when prices are mentioned, people apply market norms, but when prices are not mentioned i.e., the price  […]

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On the idea that ethics in science is a better way to drive profit

There is a thoughtful quote at the end of this story which makes a good lead-in to the article: ...this relatively desultory reputation is the result of the public’s rejection of the proposition that pharmaceutical and biotech firms care about patients and strive to develop innovative new medicines.  […]

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To love truth more than beauty

This was originally posted at the date and time in the byline, but on my Facebook account. Later, I ported it along with a few other snippets here to my WordPress journal, as my purposes with social media shifted more inward. WordPress thankfully allows back-dating a post, so here it is. It's still  […]

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