King David’s radical insight

So I’m reading this book on grace, which is turning out to be one of my favorite books ever, because it so systematically details how grace operates in a way that confirms my own thoughts on the subject for so long. Yet it goes further, and provides lots of evidence to support its position. Here is one insight in the book which never occurred to me before:

While repenting over his sin with Bathsheba, David said “thou [God] desirest not sacrifice; else I would give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” What a radical statement for David’s day. The law prescribed that certain sacrifices had to be offered for the sins he had committed. However, according to the record of Scripture, he didn’t offer those sacrifices.

Wow. He’s right! David had a deep understanding of the law, revealing how it was really a metaphor all along.

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