Installing ShellInABox on Debian, Ubuntu, Devuan, etc and configuring for white-on-black GUI

You can install shellinabox with your Debian-flavored package manager with a single command:

sudo apt install shellinabox

White text on black screen

The default setting is a white screen with black text. You can right-click to switch it, but if you're like me you'll want to set it to black screen with white text as a default. From the git repository, pull down the CSS needed to make the change:

sudo wget -O /etc/shellinabox/white-on-black.css

Then open the shellinabox config file for editing:

sudo nano /etc/default/shellinabox

Add "--css /etc/shellinabox/white-on-black.css" to SHELLINABOX_ARGS. It already disables the beep, so add this flag and it should look like this when you're done:

SHELLINABOX_ARGS="--no-beep --css /etc/shellinabox/white-on-black.css"

Save the file, and restart the service to activate the change:

sudo service shellinabox restart

That's all.

Devuan SSL needs work

This all works great on Ubuntu, System76, etc., but a Devuan install did not play nicely with SSL. I'm sure it's possible, so I tried a number of ways, even after I found references in forum posts with people who were not able to get SSL working on devuan. But, not being a cert expert, I finally decided to use the --disable-ssl flag in the configuration file (see below). This is utterly insecure and should NOT be exposed to the public. But I did want remote access to a Devuan box, so I placed it behind an Apache reverse proxy which has SSL security. Then I installed 2FA in the SSH endpoint, and lastly, I added HTTP Basic Authentication to the front side of the proxy, thereby adding two more layers of security.

  • Connection from browser to webserver (secure because basic authentication is required)
  • Connection from browser to webserver (secure because reverse proxy is encrypted)
  • Connection from webserver to internal Devuan server (alas, not secure)
  • SSH terminal on internal Devuan server (secure because 2FA authentication required)

Here's the flag used to disable SSL. NOT RECOMMENDED for an unprotected server.

SHELLINABOX_ARGS="--no-beep --css /etc/shellinabox/white-on-black.css --disable-ssl"

Couple other config items

Here are a couple other useful flags I found. The first one allows you to connect to OpenSSH locally instead of (what I imagine must be) programmatically executing a shell. The advantage of this setting is that you can use OpenSSH OTP to protect your access, instead of (also) adding a reverse proxy and configuring OTP into the proxy. (Expert note:) By accessing OpenSSH in this manner, you encounter a minor cosmetic bug which has been fixed in the git repository but has not made it into the mainstream distros yet. The console shows a message about "RhostsRSAAuthentication" when you login. You can fix this by using git clone and compiling/installing the code yourself instead of apt install as shown above.

SHELLINABOX_ARGS="--no-beep --css /etc/shellinabox/white-on-black.css -s /:SSH"

And this one allows you to connect to SSH on another server altogether:

SHELLINABOX_ARGS="--no-beep --css /etc/shellinabox/white-on-black.css -s /:SSH:"

That's all.

Problems with "rhostsrsaauthentication" and "rsaauthentication"?

See another post I made about how to resolve this issue.

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